E-Commerce's Global Recognition and its Scope and Limitations in Pakistan
The emergence of E-commerce has paved a pathway for exponential growth in trade, business, and the world economy. Global E-commerce is growing ascendingly for the last two decades and according to oberlo.com, an increase in sales of 13% in 2017 with an estimated sales of $29 trillion. Moreover, the rate of online shoppers grew 12% and reached about $1.2 billion. E-commerce can help developing countries entrepreneurs to overcome usual trade channels and give assess to the global market. Recent studies show that small and medium E-commerce business can be five times more effective in exports than those in the traditional economy. It has been estimated that the export costs that are associated with the geographic location for E-commerce are cut-down to two-third. This implies substantial gain for small and medium E-commerce enterprises, as well as for the female-headed enterprises which are E-commerce based can take their product globally. Scope E-commerce in Pakistan i...